Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Decadent Desserts For Diabetics

In the early days of learning to live with Diabetes, this cookbook gave me a lot of hope. It is filled with wonderful recipes- everything from quick breads and cakes to cookies, cobblers, pies, smoothies and shakes. It's just a wonderful resource. Each recipe has a nutritional analysis, so you can moderate serving sizes to fit your own needs. Probably the best thing about the recipes in this cookbook, is that they don't use artificial sweeteners. The recipes are made Diabetes friendly by moderating sugars, increasing fibres and reducing fats. This means, that not only can you have your cake- but your kids will eat it too! I highly recommend it.

(copyright 2003 by Rodale Inc.;

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 PM

    i am excited about trying some of these out- or getting Kristi to let me try them...
