Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our Family Recipes: Princess Margaret Home & School Association Fund Raiser Cookbook

How many little fund-raiser cookbooks do you have gathering dust on your shelf? School and Church recipe collection cookbooks are always the best, and this is no exception. This little gem of a cookbook is full of the best of everyone's best. If you are interested in getting your own copy, email me and we'll talk. They are still available, for a limited time, for only $5 each. Now, go read your collection cookbooks. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Anonymous1:49 AM


  2. I hope your cookbooks are still available by this time. And also if you can provide some sample recipes or what kind of food your cookbooks has, it would be great if you can cite that on your blog posts. Adding some pictures will give us more idea too.These would help lots of fund raisers. Thank you.

    high school fund raising
